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  • Nancy Crooks

Where does memory reside?

Francis, age 58, came for help with foot pain. She also had some back pain and other, less pressing complaints. I asked her about significant injuries and scars.

She said, “Well, I fell in the 3rd grade on a step and hurt my shin, it cut to the bone. But I really can’t talk about it. I’m just funny like that.”

Other than her foot pain, her health was good, with no significant problems. She spent her time taking care of infirm and elderly family members.

As you know, during a Mechanical Link session, I investigate the body to find the primary lesion:

the structure where all the body’s restrictions begin. No matter what I tested, her shin with the scar was “talking louder.” I identified her tibia bone as the primary lesion, and treated it using a technique for a bone bruise, which involves simply holding the affected bone and paying attention to its erratic movement. It looks like “doing nothing,” but quickly, the movement in the bone will change and become more even and regular.

Francis returned 4 weeks later. When I asked about her foot, she said, “Well, my father died right after I was here, and I had to put my mother in a nursing home. There’s been a lot to do, and I’ve just been getting up every day and running around abusing my foot, and it doesn’t feel any worse. In fact, I don’t notice it quite as much, so it must be better!”

“The most amazing thing, the way I know you really did something, is that now I can talk about it. I’ve had it all these years, and whenever somebody asked my about the scar, I just couldn’t talk about it. My leg would twitch and flop around whenever I thought about it, and I couldn’t talk about it. We had a big family, and my father didn’t think it was necessary to go to the doctor, but it took three months to heal, and it was always very sensitive.”

“But after my session with you, I was able to go to my best friend’s house. She’s known me since 4th grade, and I said, ‘Let me tell you how I got this scar on my leg.’ And I told her all about it. I can talk about it just fine now.”

How can we believe that emotions and thought are confined strictly to the brain? Here is a beautiful example. Francis’ painful emotions of the event; of being the center of the attention of horrified adults, the nonchalant attitude of her father to this painful injury, and the physical trauma were clearly stored in the bone. They were so strong that she couldn’t even verbally express the experience. In fact, her body’s physical aversion to recalling those memories was so strong that it actually protested with distracting movements. Releasing the trauma held in the bone (for 50 years!) removed the trauma of the experience in her mind. (Wherever we claim the mind to be.)

Video: How To Manage A Bone Bruise - Manual Therapy You Can Do

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